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The benefits of recycling and the conscious use of waste

It is known that recycling brings countless benefits, both for the environment and for the human being, solely responsible for the accumulation of garbage on the planet:

The reduction and prevention of risks in public health: with recycling, the residues are not destined for dumps or landfills and therefore do not contaminate soil, rivers and air, and also do not favor the proliferation of Pathogenic agents, which would indirectly cause diseases;

Valoriza Energia encourages recycling and the conscious use of waste by the population.

The reduction and prevention of exploitation of natural resources: with the return of materials to the productive cycle, it is not necessary for new natural resources to be used;

The reduction and prevention of environmental impacts: both non-degradable and degradable residues, or organic, by their enormous quantity, are not assimilated by decomposers organisms, persisting in soils and water bodies for long periods. This hinders or even precludes the survival of countless living beings and, consequently, causes ecological imbalances in all Earth's ecosystems;

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​Economic advantages of recycling and treatment of MSW

  • Saving natural resources;

  • Reduction of expenditures on urban cleaning, treatment of diseases, control of pollution, construction of landfill sites, remediation of degraded areas, electricity (necessary to generate products from raw raw material), among other expenses;

  • Generation of jobs, both for the unqualified population and the industrial sector.

Inclusion and Social Interaction

The offer of employment and income for the unprivileged population allows these people to be withdrawn from the subhuman conditions of work they had in the dumps and on the streets, and be seen as social agents that contribute to the cleanliness of the city and the conservation of Environment. On the other hand are the people who provide the recyclable material and can be seen as solidarity and participative in the selective collection and recycling programs. Thus, both groups are exercising their CITIZENSHIP.

Environmental Education

Sorting plants, landfill sites, recycling and composting industries, as well as each waste generation point, serve as instruments for the training and environmental education of children, young people and adults, as they are places where it is possible to To experience and discuss in practice the concepts about related topics.

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